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#StrokePreventionDay 14 Jan 2021 – One Small Change
#StrokePreventionDay 14 Jan 2021 – One Small Change Stroke Association, OMRON Healthcare, Patients Know Best and others kick off a new 12 week programme to help people understand more about what they can do to reduce the risk of stroke 14 January 2021, London, UK – OMRON Healthcare and Patients Know Best, are supporting a …

#StrokePreventionDay 14 Jan 2021 – One Small Change
Stroke Association, OMRON Healthcare, Patients Know Best and others kick off a new 12 week programme to help people understand more about what they can do to reduce the risk of stroke
14 January 2021, London, UK – OMRON Healthcare and Patients Know Best, are supporting a new national campaign led by The Stroke Association, the UK’s leading stroke charity. #StrokePreventionDay on January 14th marks the start of the 12 week campaign to help people understand more about what they can do to reduce the risk of stroke, the fourth highest cause of death in the UK1. The campaign encourages the public to make one small, positive change to their lifestyle to help reduce their risk of stroke.
According to The Stroke Association UK, 9 in 10 (89%) strokes are associated with modifiable risk factors in the western countries; lifestyle elements that can be changed to reduce risk, such as weight, diet and blood pressure2.
“At OMRON Healthcare it is our mission to make understanding your own health as simple and straightforward as possible,” said Charlie Fox, Sales Director of OMRON Healthcare. “As an incredibly important risk factor for stroke, having a healthy heart should be a top priority and remain front of mind.”
Blood pressure is one of the biggest causes for stroke, with 55% of stroke patients having hypertension (high blood pressure) when they have their stroke3. Worryingly, it is the number one contributing factor for global death4. About 1 in 4 adults from 55 years of age will develop AFib5.
New research commissioned by the Stroke Association found:
- – Only 1 in 20 (6%) UK adults think they’re at high risk of a stroke6, despite the fact that the global lifetime risk of stroke from the age of 25 years onward was approximately 25% among both men and women7.
– Half (47%) of the country don’t know that high blood pressure is a top risk factor for stroke8.
– 3 in 4 people (73%) said that they have had no information about stroke reduction recently. This rockets to over 4 in 5 (85%) of over-65s, who are most at risk of having a stroke9.
Fox continued, “While these numbers are concerning, they also demonstrate that with increased awareness, we can all take simple steps to reduce our risk. The public wants and needs to be more in control of its health, which is why we create products and services that are suitable for use at home as part of our Going for Zero strokes pledge. OMRON Complete, for example, is an upcoming, clinically validated home blood pressure monitor with a built-in ECG which can help detect AFib which we’re excited to launch in the coming months. It is our hope that through this awareness programme and by equipping the public with the tools it needs, we can make having an empowered and informed lifestyle the new normal.”
Unfortunately, AFib can be asymptomatic and may not be present during a visit to the family doctor’s surgery because the episodes come and go, which means it is often left undiagnosed. Given how serious AFib complications can be, it is important for those who may be at risk to routinely record electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements, according to current medical guidelines10.
Individuals with a Patients Know Best (PKB) Personal Health Record can also log readings to get a more holistic picture of their health journey. This allows them to look back with ease and share readings with clinical teams and caregivers in a safe, secure and meaningful way.
Fox concludes, “Your blood pressure provides important health insights. Monitoring it regularly alongside your ECG readings empowers you with knowledge, helps you act sooner, and can even save your life”.
More information the campaign and how you can make your one small change can be found here:
Other key supporters of the campaign include LoSalt and Rotary GB&I.
About OMRON Healthcare
Committed to helping people live more active and fulfilling lives with zero compromise, OMRON Healthcare is a global leader in the field of clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy.
Throughout its 85-year history OMRON Healthcare has been striving to improve lives and contribute to a better society by developing innovations that help people prevent, treat and manage their medical conditions, both at home and in clinical practice in over 117 countries.
OMRON Healthcare is the Global No.1 brand in both blood pressure monitors, with over 200 million units sold, as well as nebulizers for respiratory treatment with over 30 million devices sold. The company’s additional core product categories are low-frequency pain therapy equipment, body composition monitors and electronic thermometers.
OMRON Healthcare Group is headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. OMRON Healthcare Europe B.V. is the healthcare division for Europe, Russia, Middle East and Africa and provides services to customers in more than 74 countries.
OMRON Healthcare Europe B.V.
Scorpius 33, 2132 LR Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
+31 (0)23 55 44 700,
About Stroke Association
Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
About Patients Know Best
Patients Know Best (PKB) is Europe’s largest patient portal and the world’s first patient-controlled health records system – now contracted for more than 12 million lives in the UK alone.
Founded as a social enterprise, PKB is also a proudly certified B Corporation. As such, the company holds dearly its social purpose and mission; to empower patients with access and control of their health records.
The PKB technology platform is a multi-award-winning system that helps patients better manage their health and care. By choosing who they want to share their information with, patients can work more closely and effectively with their clinical teams. For example, healthcare professionals can create care plans digitally with input from patients and data from personal wearable devices can also be uploaded to enhance the monitoring of complex conditions. Videos and other media content are also available to help educate patients and further improve care.
In 2020, Patients Know Best became the first Personal Health Record (PHR) to integrate with the NHS App, allowing users to view all their PKB data inside the national NHS interface. The integration also includes NHS login to provide users with simple access via single sign-on.
Available on any internet-enabled tablet, smartphone or computer, PKB can be used by patients and clinicians anywhere in the world.
PKB is now used by over 100 hospitals across seven countries and is available in 23 different languages.
With access to open APIs with commitment to/aligning with FHIR and HL7v2 standards, PKB is easy to implement and sustain at scale. PKB also operates within the HSCN network for added security.
To find out more, visit
1 According to the Stroke Association
2 The Stroke Association press release and
3 Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) annual results portfolio, 2019-20.
4 Retrieved from
5 Reference: D. M. Lloyd-Jones, T. J. Wang, E. P. Leip et al., “Lifetime risk for development of atrial fibrillation: the framingham heart study,” Circulation, vol. 110, no. 9, pp. 1042–1046, 2004.
6 Research conducted by 4Media Relations on behalf of the Stroke Association, December 2020
7 GBD 2016 Lifetime Risk of Stroke Collaborators, Global, regional, and country-specific lifetime risks of stroke, 1990 and 2016. Supplementary Appendix, Pg90.
8 Research conducted by 4Media Relations on behalf of the Stroke Association, December 2020
9 Research conducted by 4Media Relations on behalf of the Stroke Association, December 2020
10 Source: Hindricks G. et al. 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). European Heart Journal (2020) 00, 1-126. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa612